Named as One of the Best Blogs to Read in 2021 by Blog Overview
The Retirement Wisdom Blog

Get Wild: How Being Outdoors (Even in Winter) Can Improve Your Health and Happiness
By Bev Bachel More happiness. Less anxiety. Increased feelings of calm. Lower blood pressure. Greater capacity for concentration. Reduced loneliness. Less irritability. Better short-term memory. According to Chris Heeter, founder of The Wild Institute, these are some of the benefits of spending time outdoors, benefits that can go a long way toward our physical, mental […]

Lessons from Tom Brady’s Retirement
by Joe Casey I know what you’re thinking. How can Tom Brady’s decision to retire be helpful to me? He’s uber-wealthy, he’s the best ever at his profession, and he’s married to a supermodel. Maybe you don’t share his love of avocado ice cream. All of those things may be true. But there are some […]

Time for a Retirement Do-Over?
A few months ago I accidentally stumbled on the trailer for The Do-Over, a “2016 dunderhead comedy” (ala Rotten Tomatoes) starring David Spade and Adam Sandler who fake their deaths in order to start their lives anew. While I didn’t watch the movie, the trailer got me wondering about what retirees would do differently if […]

Travel the World, Learn As You Go
By Bev Bachel Fifty-plus and looking to learn while traveling and making new friends? Road Scholar and other similar programs could be your ticket. Just ask Pauline Nelson. “Road Scholar bills itself as ‘the university of the world,’ and that’s exactly what it’s been to me,” says Nelson, who’s been enjoying Road Scholar trips since […]