Jan Zacharjasz is a Certified Professional Coach specializing in midlife transitions, focusing on the changing needs of Baby Boomers as they redefine aging today. The founder of Coaching for Resilience, Jan is passionate about helping people gain courage and resilience through significant work, health, and family changes so they can reframe their lives and thrive moving forward. Along with individual coaching, Jan provides life purpose and energy leadership assessments and interactive workshops on resilience, retirement lifestyle planning, and how to manage change successfully.
Jan’s career spans the private and public sectors in healthcare. Most recently, she directed an award-winning program designed to cultivate positive aging in those who are 55+. This innovative program focused on health and wellness, social connectivity, and strategies for creating a fulfilling retirement.
Jan received her coaching certification from iPEC, the leading Coach Training program in the U.S. She earned her M.S. in Human Organization Science from Villanova University and her B.S. in Individual and Family Studies from The Pennsylvania State University, where she graduated as valedictorian.
An active community leader, Jan is co-chair for the Philadelphia chapter of the Life Planning Network and serves on its National Board. She developed the Sandwich Generation Series to provide life-changing support to Boomers in caregiving roles for their aging parents and children.
Jan has effectively responded to her family’s unexpected life changes and brings deep sensitivity, resourcefulness, and diligence to her coaching clients. A proud member of the Sandwich Generation, Jan provides endless love and devotion to her husband, Mario, two daughters, and mother. She loves traveling, exercising, and relaxing with family and friends at the beach.